Flight app

I completed this UX case as my final project to obtain my degree from the UX Design Institute at Glasgow Caledonian University. The objective of this project was to conduct effective UX research and devise solutions to enhance the user-friendliness of the ticket booking process.


4 months

My role

UX designer


IOS, Android


Google Forms, Zoom, Miro, Figma

Project details

This was the main goal

The task was pretty vague and open-ended, so I had to do a deep dive into the research to figure out main problems users are facing

Identify the difficulties that customers encounter during the process of booking flight tickets and suggest strategies that could improve their overall user experience.
Secondary research

Problem discovery

To enhance the user experience, it is important to identify the most frequently occurring problems faced by users and address them, as their resolution can lead to an improvement in overall user experience

Checking reviews

To start with, I visited Trustpilot and analyzed the feedback given by users of the widely-used flight applications. My aim was to pinpoint any patterns or repetitive problems mentioned in their reviews

Reoccurring problems I found:

Confusing booking process

Bad UX results in users selecting the wrong dates, not receiving all the necessary information, and ultimately having to restart the entire process again.

Hidden fees and stopovers

Users may be surprised by hidden fees and stopovers that are not made clear during the booking process

Cancellations and changes problems

Users may need to cancel or make changes to their bookings due to unforeseen circumstances, but this can be difficult and expensive due to cancellation fees, change fees, or non-refundable tickets.

Luggage problems

Not being able to select the type of luggage they want to bring, having to pay additional fees for checked or carry-on luggage, or not having enough information about luggage restrictions and allowances.

Heuristic evaluation

Examining the reviews allowed me to identify patterns. To gain a more comprehensive understanding, I selected a few apps and conducted a heuristic evaluation

Quantitative data

Problem validation

Initially, I had certain assumptions which were based on my secondary research. However, I acknowledged that these assumptions were solely my own and that my frequent travel experiences may have biased me.

In order to obtain more varied and impartial perspectives, I created a Google form to validate the issues with quantitative data and shared a link on my social media, in appropriate chat groups, without imposing any screening requirements except for those who had booked tickets at least once.


Survey Monkey



Rectuted on

LinkedIn, Twitter


1 week


  • 19% of users open app to check and compare prices first

  • 78% faced problems during booking process
  • Tell me more about your last traveling experience
  • The biggest problems are hidden fees and luggage related one
  • Only 7% of people check information about cancelation first
  • The most popular are: SkyScanner (68,6%), EasyJet (13,7%), RyanAir (9,8%), Lufthansa (5,88%), Turkish Airlines (1,9%)
Usability testing

See users perform tasks

In order to gain an understanding of how flight booking apps are used in practical situations, I asked two individuals to complete the booking process up to the point of payment. One participant had extensive experience in travelling, while the other had minimal experience in booking tickets. Throughout the task, I prompted them to share their thoughts and actions continuously.

In addition, I was fortunate enough to receive three videos of usability tests from the UX Design Institute. These tests provided valuable insights too. I did a transcription of all sessions and there are some parts of what users was feeling, telling and doing

Users Interviews

Let's talk

So, the university gave us some videos of people getting interviewed, but I already had experience with interviews, so I decided to do a few myself with some of my LinkedIn connections and buddies. After watching the videos and talking to people, I started picking up on some common trends in their responses pretty fast.


Problem statement

Once I completed my secondary research, observed users using apps, and had interviews with them, I gained a better understanding of their needs. With this information, I was able to create user stories that accurately define the needs of the users, based on the research I conducted

As a traveller, I want to be aware of all fees and charges to not be disappointed and stop at the checkout page
As a traveller, I want to have detailed information about each ticket option, so that I can compare and select the best one
As a traveller, I want to be able to make changes to my tickets easily to not lose money if my plans had changed
Success measuring

What would success look like after solving these problems?

By solving these two problems, we might help people have a better user experience. This can be measured in the increasing % of completed bookings, and lower churn-off during the booking process and on the checkout screen.


How might we solve these problems?

With all the information gathered from the research, I began considering potential solutions that could alleviate user difficulties and create a more seamless experience when booking flight tickets.

Total cost

Displaying the total cost during the booking process can help create a more transparent, clear, convenient, and efficient user experience, which can lead to higher user satisfaction and completion rates.

  • Transparency: Displaying the total cost throughout the booking process can help build trust with users by providing transparency into the pricing structure. Users can see exactly what they are paying for and avoid any unexpected charges or fees at the end of the process.

  • Clarity: By showing the total cost, users can better understand the overall cost of their purchase and make informed decisions about whether they want to proceed with the booking or not. This can reduce confusion and increase confidence in the booking process.

  • Efficiency: Displaying the total cost during the booking process can save users time by avoiding the need to calculate the cost manually or go back and forth between different screens to find pricing information

Compare feature

Comparison product feature can simplify the booking process, increase customer satisfaction, and improve transparency, all of which can contribute to an increase in completed bookings.

  • Facilitates decision-making: By providing a side-by-side comparison, users can easily evaluate the benefits of each option. This enables them to make informed purchase decisions quickly and confidently, reducing the likelihood of abandoning the booking process due to indecision.

  • Increases users satisfaction: users more likely to feel satisfied with their final choice, as they have had the opportunity to consider multiple options and select the one that best meets their needs.

  • Enhances transparency: Users are more likely to complete a booking if they feel confident that they have been given all the information they need to make an informed decision.

*I did a bit of research and it looks like solving the third problem statement is almost impossible since it requires a lot of back and forth with airlines. Even though people complain about it a lot, it's not really a UX problem. The issue lies in the strict rules and regulations that airlines have to follow. So I decide to work with the first two problems only.


Less is more?

Instead of immediately doing pixel perfect design, it's a good idea to start by testing basic low-fidelity wireframes with real users. This helps to find problems in the early stages. A solution to each problem was tested separately to avoid overwhelming the users and kept the testing focused on specific user flows with clear tasks.

Showing cost at all steps

First version

The main problems users faced during testing:

  • Users were missing a moment when the additional fee was added to the sum

  • The was no way to figure out why the price had increased, so users needed to do steps back to find out

After testing

Changes made base on users feedback:

  • Sticky part with price become clickable and on click shows price details

  • Once the sum is increased, I suggest adding haptic and/or sound to be sure that users saw the change (wasn't able to test this)

Compare feature

First version

The main problems users faced during testing:

  • The icon's function and the steps to be taken after its color change were not clear to the users.

  • Too many items to compare turned out to be exhausting for users. It became a search for a difference game and only after - compare

After testing

Changes made base on users feedback:

  • The comparison icon was removed from the top. Once users decided to compare something - floating button appears and it's clear that it's clickable

  • To make the comparison process easier 'show only difference' toggle was added. When active - show only different items


What I've learned

Although completing my final assignment took some time, I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the research process. I am grateful for every part of it.

Talking with users

Spend time on user research and you'll be surprised to find out about issues you never even thought existed. Fixing these problems can make a big difference for both the users and the business.

Testing is a core

Your design is nothing without usability testing. Start as soon as possible. Use wireframes or even paper sketches, but test your solutions with real users. This is the only way to validate your solutions.

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