Questo Application

Questo is a platform for real-world city exploration games written and designed by professional content creators, companies, and amateur storytellers around the world.



My role

Product designer (UX/UI)
Illustrator (3D illustrations)


IOS, Android


Figma, Miro, Blender 3D

Project details

The main reason to start

The company was looking for ways to improve current users' experience and ways to expand its audience. At that time they already had an application and a basic understanding of who their customers are and what they want. I decided to start my research to understand it too

Secondary research

People always struggle

After conducting extensive secondary research, which involved reviewing numerous user feedback on various city exploration activities, analysing blog posts, and monitoring social media discussions, I discovered some major sources of frustration:


Popular tourist destinations can be crowded and congested, making it difficult to move around or enjoy the experience.


Finding information about a city's attractions, events, or transportation options can be challenging. There is way too much information


Exploring a city can be expensive, especially if you're visiting popular tourist destinations. This can be a barrier for people with limited budgets.


The weather can be unpredictable, and extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, or heat can impact ability to explore the city comfortably.

Limited time

Visiting a city for a short period, it can be challenging to see everything you want to see. This can be frustrating and may require prioritizing certain activities or attractions.


Many tourists want to experience the local culture, but finding authentic experiences can be challenging, especially in areas that are heavily tourist-focused.


What do others do?

I conducted an analysis of the most popular apps in the market to understand how they tackle these specific user problems. After examining their approaches, I realized that none of these apps address all of the issues that people encounter while travelling.

This indicates that there are significant market opportunities for us to address these unmet needs and provide a better user experience.


Current and potential users can offer a wealth of insights

Through conducting user interviews, I discovered that travelers commonly face a shared set of challenges: struggling to find an effective approach that allows them to see everything they want to without missing out on key experiences in their own pace

90% of interviewees expressed a preference for independent exploration over guided tours, as they felt rushed and lacked the flexibility to move on their own
Privacy were also highly valued among respondents, with the majority expressing interest in both popular and lesser-known destinations within a city

Interview questions

I had several key questions that I was eager to answer during the interviews, and I made an effort to keep the conversations relaxed and amicable. This approach fostered open and honest discussion about travels, during which I asked a lot of follow-up 'why' questions in addition to my prepared ones. I found that this method of interviewing allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the users' perspectives and insights.

  • How often do you travel?

  • With who you are usually travelling?
  • Tell me more about your last traveling experience
  • How did you plan what you are going to do?
  • What was your process?
  • What part of planning was the hardest? Why?
  • What are you most interesting in when you travel to new places? Why?
  • Tell me about your worst experience. Why it was that bad?
  • What about the best one?
  • How perfect city exploration experience looks for you? Why?

How do people see city exploration?

They prefer independent exploration over guided tours, value privacy and free time, and are interested in visiting both popular and lesser-known destinations within a city. They also feel rushed and lack flexibility during guided tours, and want the ability to linger in certain areas, take photos, and have meals or drinks at their own pace.

Here are some of the most common answers:


Travelers desire the freedom to start their adventure, pause to take photos, explore areas at their leisure, have a meal, or relax, and continue their experience whenever they desire, without being constrained by time


City exploration can be pretty expensive, especially if you're keen on hitting up the tourist hotspots and using tour guides


This is a key factor that people aim for in their experiences, as plans can change, weather conditions may not be favorable, and unexpected situations such as a child having a tantrum can arise


Travelers prefer to have the freedom to explore at their own pace rather than being part of a large group, which can be tiring

Authentic experience

According to some individuals, hiring a local resident of a city to provide insights about the area and reveal hidden gems may be a more valuable investment than opting for a traditional tour guide


What do explorers need?

After analysing all the insights, I have identified three Jobs-To-Be-Done.

When I plan a trip I want to book not time-dependent experience, so I can relax during my journey
When I explore a city I want to have privacy, so I can have my own special moments
When I’m in a new city I want to discover popular places and also find a hidden gems, so I can have unforgettable experience

How might we?

This easy question always opens gates of imagination for proper brainstorming.


Unique city exploration experiences

From a functional perspective, we were able to address the majority of the problems identified during the research. Although some of these solutions were already present in the product, they were not highlighted in a proper way, which made it unlikely for users to discover them


Let's do some magic

When I joined the company, they already had an existing app that we decided to build on. Although there was a lot of work to be done, we were confident that our solution would provide a truly unique experience for travelers

Unique experience

What makes Questo games so special?

  • Each game has a theme and a fiction part

  • You can read or listen while strolling around the city

  • Explore real world places as a part of the story

  • Play whenever you want. No timing

  • Need a rest? Pause and resume whenever you are ready

Home Screen

Right from the start the app suggest the closest games to a user. This allows user to find a game in one click

Being able to search for a country, city, specific game or experience is crucial in this case. That’s why search bar is sticky to the top of the screen


Games have their own designated starting point, which becomes activated once the user arrives at the location. Players must then decipher clues that will unlock the next game locations.

Solve riddles and puzzles on your way

All Questo games are build by locals. They put a bunch of effort and time to make games interesting and fun. This also means that games include hidden places and include exclusive stories


Play on your own. There is no need to join huge groups of people. Just take your phone, good mood and go out!

Oh, and in case you wanna play with your closes ones - you can invite them. Or better - refer them. In this case you both will earn gems to purchase your next game. Win-win

What are gems?

Gems are special currency which we use in Questo app. You can purchase them in store, use them to unlock new games and earn them by completing tasks in app

Build by locals

A large number of games are built by locals. They put a bunch of effort and time into making games interesting and fun. This also means that games include hidden places and exclusive stories


What I've learned

In the design, there is no 'done' stage. You do something, you test it with real users and you iterate it. This project is different in no way.

Technical side

Take into consideration team size and how many people will work on the project. A small team might slow down the process, but that's fine. Just be sure everyone is aware of it.

Working in start-up means work fast

Test and iterate quickly. Try to test all your decisions in the early stages. It's important to test even if there is not so much time for it. Ask your friend, family member or team member (but they might be biased) if there is no testing planned. It's better than nothing and can help at least with usability

Flexibility is a must

Working in a start-up requires a lot of flexibility. Things change quickly, priorities might differ every time. Be sure you can adapt and most important - not lose the main objective. Have an understanding of what's going on, why and where we are going.

Interested in working together? Get in touch

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